Archive by Author

Keyboard shortcut keys: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer

Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by .


Stop wasting time in your web browser! Use these shortcut keys. These shortcuts will work for most browsers. I use firefox as my browser because: * It’s alot faster than Internet Explorer * There are more compatibility and plugins available than google chrome. (For most users, google chrome will be better than firefox).

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Boomerang for Gmail: Conquer your inbox, send emails later and follow up easily

Boomerang for Gmail: Conquer your inbox, send emails later and follow up easily

Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by .


Most people deal with their email inefficiently. They have overcrowded inboxes and they waste their time and energy scanning through old emails or re-reading the same emails many times. Ideally, your inbox should be at ZERO emails. As soon as you look read an email you should do something with it. But what if you […]

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How to Remember Things: Part 1 – The Acronym Method

Posted on15. Oct, 2010 by .


You’re walking your cat, brushing your teeth or desperately pretending to listen to somebody…and then you have a few thoughts, like “man, I need to re-order some protein powder, i’m running low”. But since you can’t write it down, you forget…and then later what happens is: You think, “dammit! what was that thing I had […]

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DrEfficiency is now taking requests!

Posted on05. May, 2010 by .


Have you got anything about your computer that currently frustrates you? Would you like to know how to do something with your computer? Have you ever thought “there must be  a quicker way to do this?” That’s because there probably is! Email me at and I’ll create a video tutorial for you…because chances are […]

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The Myth of Multi-Tasking

Posted on17. Mar, 2010 by .


At first glance, the concept of multi-tasking seems like a great way to save time…images like these spring to mind: being on the phone while cooking up a storm, sleeping while listening to a subliminal CD on “Fluent french in 30 days”, The dynamo secretary that’s whizzing around on her computer chair, knocking off tasks […]

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Why Effectiveness Doesn’t Matter

Posted on16. Mar, 2010 by .


Some people talk about effectiveness like it’s separate from efficiency. In reality, effectiveness doesn’t matter nearly as much. Why? The definition of effectiveness is “being effective without wasting time”. Therefore: Effectiveness was already handled in Step 1 of Efficiency! So the next time you hear “What about being effective?”, you can say matter-of-factly “That was […]

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